Ad Statistics

This section describes the "Ad Statistics" area of the control panel.


The Ad Statistics page provides information about how successful your Search Engine Capture System ads have been. For more information about the Search Engine Capture System, please see the "Ad Editor" section.


"Impressions" means the number of times your ad has been displayed.

The chart shows monthly and yearly display counts. The chart also displays the total number of times the ad has been displayed.


"Clicks" means the number of times your ad has been clicked on. This is essentially the number of visitors that HART On Web has brought to your website from search engines.

The chart shows monthly and yearly click counts. The chart also displays the total number of times the ad has been clicked.

Click-Through Ratios

In the world of internet advertising, there is a concept called "Click-Through Ratios", or CTRs. This refers to the ratio between the number of times your ad has been displayed versus the number of times your ad has been clicked. These ratios are generally measured in a predetermined period of time.

For example, if your ad was displayed 100 times in October, and it was clicked 1 time, you have a click-through ratio of 1-to-100, or 1% for October.

Click-through ratios are generally used to determine how effective your ads are. If you have good ads, more people will click on them. This is why it's a good idea to make sure your ads are as effective as possible.

Effective ads are generally more specific for the audience you're trying to reach. This is exactly why we offer the option for you to design a unique ad for each product. See the section entitled "Ad Editor" for more information about the ad system.

What Kind of Click-Through Ratios Should I Expect?

Click-through ratios can vary widely depending on many factors. However, based on a number of proven factors in the internet advertising industry, you should expect click-through ratios of about 0.5% to 1%. If you write exceptional ads, your ratios can improve dramatically.

The Real Value of HART On Web

Please keep in mind that -- although HART On Web has the potential to drive search engine traffic to your website -- this is not the main purpose this system. Its main purpose is to display powerful educational information on your website that will convert your browsing customers to buying customers.

For this reason, we strongly recommend that you promote your website in every way you can. If you can get visitors to your website, HART On Web will convert many of those visitor to buyers.

Make sure you register your website with all of the major search engines so you can receive traffic directly from them. Also, make sure all of your literature contains your website address. If your website address if long or hard to remember, consider using a name-shortening service.

Having a consistent website newsletter is a powerful way to build website traffic and to build a loyal customer base.

Running a successful website is a multifaceted endeavor, and HART On Web provides you with the primary tool you need to convert visitors into purchasing customers:
