Account Info This section describes the "Account Info" area of the control panel. Change Password This section enables you to update your current password for your HART On Web control panel. To change your password, simply enter your current password in the box labeled "Current password". Next, put your new password in the box labeled "New password" and in the box labeled "Confirm new password". Now click the button labeled "Save New Password". Your password has now been updated. The next time you log into your HART On Web control panel, be sure to use your new password as your old password is no longer valid. Email Settings HART On Web can send you monthly email statistics notifying you about how many people visited your website thorough the HART On Web search engine capture system. If you would like to receive these email updates, enter your email address in the box labeled "Email address" and check the box labeled "Send ad statistics email". Now, click the button labeled "Save Email Settings". If you would not like to receive these email updates, enter your email address in the box labeled "Email address" and uncheck the box labeled "Send ad statistics email". Now, click the button labeled "Save Email Settings". |